2019 Legislative Priorities
Local Self-Government
We seek to strengthen and protect the fundamental concept of local self-government and will OPPOSE legislative efforts to impede the constitutional right of Florida citizens to govern themselves under municipal Home Rule powers. Additionally, we OPPOSE the Legislature’s persistent intrusion into local finances, which are necessary to provide financial stability and essential services uniquely required by municipal residents and local businesses.
Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services
We SUPPORT legislation and funding to assist local governments in providing wrap around rehabilitation services for those individuals suffering from mental health and/or substance abuse issues with the goal of diverting these individuals from the criminal justice system, resulting in a decrease in the jail population through the reduction of criminal recidivism, which also reduces the financial burden of the taxpayers.
Emergency Management and Planning
We SUPPORT legislation and funding to assist local governments in the allocation of funds to municipalities for emergency management and planning in the wake of Hurricane Michael.
Community Redevelopment Agencies
We SUPPORT legislation to protect and improve municipalities’ use of Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRAs) to effectively carry out redevelopment and community revitalization in accordance with Home Rule.
We SUPPORT legislation that facilitates the municipal annexation of unincorporated areas, while protecting private property rights, and respecting municipal boundaries.
Affordable Housing
We SUPPORT legislation that requires all funds from the Sadowski State and Local Housing Trust Fund be used only for Florida’s affordable housing programs.